
The Native People of Alaska: Traditional Living In A Northern Land

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An Alaska Classic -5th Edition by Steve J. Langdon

Traditional best seller
In print continuously for more than 30 years.

The Native People of Alaska is a comprehensive, easy-to-read introductory guide to Alaska’s first inhabitants. Langdon describes their lifestyles, traditions and culture at the time of first contact with Europeans. It is the only book in its price range that tells how ALL of Alaska’s Native people survived in one of the most challenging environments on earth for more than 200 generations, long before modern technology.

Named as one of the best Alaska history books of all time by the Alaska Historical Society.

“Every Alaskan should read this book. It is good for students, for new Alaskans, and for the old timer who wants to know more…”

~William Demmert
former Alaska Commissioner of Education

Topics include:

  • traditional housing
  • dress
  • food
  • social systems
  • beliefs and more

Learn about…

  • Where in Alaska can you find mummies?
  • How could Aleut hunters capture whales-while staying home sick in bed?
  • Why were totem poles built?
  • Who settled fights with a duel–of singing?
  • Why would an Inupiat woman offer a drink of water to a dead whale?