National Wildlife Refuges
In Alaska, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages 16 national wildlife refuges, totaling 76,774,229 acres - more than 80% of all national wildlife refuge lands in the United States - their wild lands and wild wonders are unmatched.
- They are the nation's only refuges that protect habitat for caribou, muskoxen, emperor geese, gyrfalcons, polar bears, and nesting tundra swans.
- They shelter 40 million seabirds, the majority of all nesting seabirds in North America.
- They are nurseries for some of the largest runs of wild salmon in the world.
- Migratory birds from five continents depend on the bounty of Alaska's refuges to next and raise each generation.
Learn about each refuge in the classic National Wildlife Refuges of Alaska - Wild Wonders, Wild Lands.
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